















2013.8-2013.9,美国University of South Carolina



2. 2009年获南粤科技创新优秀学术论文一等奖《细胞外的波动诱导的随机同步的细胞通讯》,广东省科协技术协会

3. 2003年获全国(百篇)优秀博士论文奖;

4. 2001年获中国科学院院长特别奖


1. 主持国家自然科学基金委重点项目《工程基因调控网的设计,构造,建模与分析》(60736028),2008.1-2011.12,180万;

2. 主持国家自然科学基金委/重大研究计划/重点支持项目《基于小样本数据的高维生物系统重构理论与算法及其应用》(91230204),2013.1- 2016.12,300万;

3. 主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目《调控系统中网络模块的结构与功能研究》(30973980),2010.1-2012.12,30万;

4. 主持教育部2012年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)《考虑染色质模板结构的随机基因表达模型研究》(20120171110047),2013.1-2015.12,12万;

5. 主持973项目“多能干细胞向中胚层细胞分化的机制研究”(2014CB964700)的课题“系统研究多能干细胞向中胚层细胞分化的分子调控网络及动态演变规律”(2014CB964703),2014.1-2018.12,417.8万;

6. 主持国家自然科学基金委/重大研究计划/集成项目《基于动态网络的复杂疾病分析理论和方法》(91530320),2016.1-2018.12,300万







[1] Junhao Liang, Yanqing Hu, Guanrong Chen, and Tianshou Zhou. A universal indicator of critical state transitions in noisy complex networked systems. Scientific Report 7, 42857; doi: 10.1038/srep42857 (2017).

[2] Peijiang Liu, Haohua Wang, Lifang Huang and Tianshou Zhou. The dynamic mechanism of noisy signal decoding in gene regulation. Scientific Report 7, 42128; doi: 10.1038/srep42128 (2017).

[3] Heli Tan, Tuoqi Liu, Jiajun Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Random positioning of nucleosomes enhances heritable bistability. Molecular BioSystems 13: 132-141(2017), DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00729E.



[1] Haohua Wang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu and Tianshou Zhou. Correction: Division time-based amplifiers for stochastic gene expression. Molecular BioSystems 12, 678–678 (2016).

[2] Heli Tan, Zhanjiang Yuan, Jiajun Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Characteristics of promoter structure-dependent expression noise and bursting kinetics. Internal Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1: 1650016 (2016)

[3] Tuoqi Liu, Jiajun Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Effect of Interaction between Chromatin Loops on Cell-to-Cell Variability in Gene Expression. PLoS Computational Biology 12(5): e1004917 (2016).

[4] Peijiang Liu, Zhanjiang Yuan, Haohua Wang and Tianshou Zhou. Decomposition and Tunability of Expression Noise in the Presence of Coupled Feedbacks. Chaos 26, 043108

   (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4947202

[5] Haohua Wang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu and Tianshou Zhou. Mechanisms of information decoding through a cascade system of gene expression. Physical Review E 93, 052411 (2016)

[6] Jiajun Zhang, Qing Nie and Tianshou Zhou. A moment-convergence method for stochastic analysis of biochemical reaction networks. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (19): 018620 (2016)

[7] Xiaoqiang Sun, Jiajun Zhang, Qi Zhao, Xing Chen, Wenbo Zhu, Guangmei Yan, Tianshou Zhou. Stochastic Modeling Suggests that Noise Reduces Differentiation Efficiency by Inducing a Heterogeneous Drug Response in Glioma Differentiation Therapy. BMC Systems Biology (2016) 10:73 DOI 10.1186/s12918-016-0316-x



[1] Qianliang Wang and Tianshou Zhou. Dynamical analysis of mCAT2 gene models with CTN-RNA nuclear retention. Physical Biology 12(2015), 016010

[2] Lifang Huang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu and Tianshou Zhou. Effects of promoter leakage on dynamics of gene expression. BMC Systems Biology (2015) 9:16

[3] Haohua Wang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu and Tianshou Zhou. Division time-based amplifiers for gene expression. Molecular Biosystems 11, 2417 - 2428 (2015).

(DOI: 10.1039/c5mb00391a2015)

[4] Peijiang Liu, Zhanjiang Yuan, Lifang Huang and Tianshou Zhou. Roles of factorial noise in inducingbimodal gene expression. Physical Review E 91, 062706 (2015)

[5] Peijiang Liu, Zhanjiang Yuan, Lifang Huang and Tianshou Zhou. Feedback-induced variations of distribution in a representative gene model. Internal Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25(7), 1540008 (2015)

[6] Changhong Shi, Shuqiang Wang, Tianshou Zhou and Yiguo Jiang. Post-transcriptional regulation tends to attenuate the mRNA noise and to increase the mRNA gain. Physical Biology 12(2015) 056002

[7] Lifang Huang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu, and Tianshou Zhou. Fundamental principles of energy consumption for gene expression. Chaos 25, 123101 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4936670

[8] Xiaoqiang Sun, Xiaoke Zheng, Jiajun Zhang, Tianshou Zhou, Guangmei Yan and Wrnbo Zhu. Mathematical Modeling Reveals a Critical Role for Cyclin D1 Dynamics in Phenotype Switching During Glioma Differentiation. FEBS LETTERS 589(18) · JULY 2015 with 5 READS Impact Factor: 3.17 · DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.07.014

[9] Tianshou Zhou and Tuoqi Liu. Quantitative analysis of gene expression systems. Quantitative Biology 3(4): 168–181 (2015).

[10] 周天寿概率主方程的研究综述江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)39 (1): 1-6 (2015)



[1] Qianliang Wang and Tianshou Zhou. Alternative-splicing-mediated gene expression. Physical Review E 89, 012713(2014)

[2] Jiajun Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Promoter architecture-mediated transcriptional dynamics. Biophysical Journal 106, 479-488(2014)

[3] Jiajun Zhang, Lifang Huang and Tianshou Zhou. Comment on ‘Binomial moment equations for chemical reaction networks’. Physical Review Letters 112, 088901 (2014) 

[4] Xiyan Yang, Hongwei Yin and Tianshou Zhou. Turing pattern formation from the cooperation of competition and cross-diffusion. Internal Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24(3), 1450038(2014)

[5] Xiyan Yang, Tuoqi Liu, Jiajun Zhang, and Tianshou Zhou. The mechanism of Turing pattern formation in a positive feedback system with cross diffusion. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014, P03005 (2014). doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2014/03/P03005

[6] Lifang Huang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu, Tianshou Zhou. Feedback-induced counterintuitive correlations of gene expression noise with bursting kinetics. Physical Review E 90, 052702 (2014).

[7] Huanfei Ma, Tianshou Zhou, Kazuyuki Aihara, Luonan Chen. Predicting time series from short-term high-dimensional data. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24(12), 1430033(2014)



[1] 易奇志,杜焰,周天寿系统规模对群体行为的效果. 物理学报 (Acta. Phys. Sin) 62, 11:118701(2013)

[2] Qianqian Wu, Kate Smith-Miles, Tianshou Zhou and Tianhai Tian. Stochastic modelling of biochemical systems with multi-step reactions using a measure for intermediate reactions. BMC Systems Biology 7(Suppl 4): S14 (2013). doi:10.1186/1752-0509-7-S4-S14

[3] Changhong Shi, Tianshou Zhou and Zhanjiang YuanFunctional tunability of biological circuits from additional toggle switchesIET systems biology 7, 5:126-134(2013)

[4] Changhong Shi and Tianshou Zhou. Architecture-Dependent robustness in a class of multiple positive feedback loops. IET systems biology 7, 1:1-10 (2013).

[5] Panpan yang and Tianshou Zhou. Receptor-dependent sensitivity of NF-kB to low physiological level. Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2013) 1350018

[6] Henglin SongZhanjiang Yuan, Tianshou Zhou. Delay-managed tradeoff in the molecular dynamics of the segmentation clock. Molecular BioSystems 9, 1436-1446 (2013) (SCI Impact Factor: 3.53)

[7] Hongwei Yin, Xiaoqing Wen, Huahai Qiu and Tianshou Zhou. Cooperative Diffusion Leads to a Robust Morphogen Gradient. Chinese Journal of Physics 51, 2:279-295(2013).

[8] Hongwei Yin, Xiaoqing Wen, Tianshou Zhou. Local accumulation time for formation ofmorphogen gradients from a l´evy diffusion process. Physical Biology 10, 056012(2013)

[9] Jiajun Zhang, Qing Nie, Miao He and Tianshou Zhou. Exact results for the noise in biochemical reaction networks. Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 084106 (2013)

[10] Xiyan Yang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou Zhou. Turing pattern formation in a two-species negative feedback system with cross-diffusion. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23, 9:1350162(2013)



[1] Hongwei Yin, Xiaoqing Wen and Tianshou Zhou. Effects of Tissue Growth on Robust Formation of Morphogen Gradient. International Journal of Modern Physics B 26: 4(2012), 1250015(pages:14).

[2] Qiuli Liu, Xianping Guo, Tianshou Zhou. Optimal Control for Generalized Asynchronous Probabilistic Boolean Networks. Current Bioinformatics 7(2012), 1:56-62.

[3] Jiajun Zhang, Luonan Chen and Tianshou Zhou. Analytical distribution and tunability of noise in a model of promoter progress. Biophysical Journal 102, 1247-1257(2012)

[4] Tianshou Zhou, Jiajun Zhang. Analytical results for a multi-state gene model. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72, 789-818 (2012).

[5] Huahai Qiu, Zhanjiang Yuan, Hongwei Yin, Xiyan Yang, and Tianshou Zhou. Distributions of first passage times in a bistable biological system. Chinese Journal of Physics 50, 5: 857-867(2012)

[6周天寿. 基因表达模型的研究进展:概率分布. 江西师范大学学报,第36卷,第三期,221-2292012

[7Huahai Qiu and Tianshou ZhouFeedback-Induced Dynamics in a Two-Component System. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 223:1250059(2012).

[8Changhong Shi, Hanxiong Li and Tianshou Zhou. A simple regulatory circuit that can simultaneously generate excitability of two different mechanisms. Discrete, Continuous Dynamical Systems (series B) 17(2012), 1: 271-282

[9] Yang, Qigui; Jiang, Guirong; Zhou, Tianshou. Chaotification of linear impulsive differential systems with applications. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22(12), 2012/12. 

[10] Hongwei Yin, Xiaoyong Xiao, Xiaoqing Wen, Tianshou Zhou. Stability of regulatory protein gradients induced by morphogen dpp in drosophila wing disc. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 4:1250015(2012)

[11] Changhong Shi and Tianshou Zhou. Functional tunability of biological circuits from tinkers. Systems Biology (ISB), 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISB.2012.6314114, Publication Year: 2012, Pages:63-72



[1] Qizhi Yi and Tianshou Zhou. Communication-induced multistability and multirhythmicity in a synthetic multicellular system. Phys. Rev. E 83, 041913 (2011).

[2] Henglin Song, Zhanjiang Yuan, Jiajun Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Molecular level dynamics of genetic oscillator-The effect of protein-protein interaction. European Physical Journal E-Soft Matter & Biological Physics 34(2011), 8:77(DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2011-11077-8)



[1] 苑占江,张家军,周天寿基因调控系统中反馈压制的噪声:慢转录情形中国科学(C辑)40, 78-87 (2010).

[2] Jjiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Hanxiong Li and Tianshou Zhou. Architecture-dependent robustness and bistability in a class of genetic circuits. Biophysical Journal 99, 1034-1042(2010)

[3] Qizhi Yi, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Tianshou Zhou. Collective dynamics of genetic oscillators with cell-to-cell communication: A study case of signal integration. European Physical Journal B 75, 365-372 (2010)

[4] 苑占江,张家军,周天寿基因自调控环路的功能. 生物物理学报 262010, 6:457-471

[5] Junwei Wang, Tianshou Zhou. cAMP-regulated dynamics of the mammalian circadian clock. Biosystems 101(2): 136-143 (2010)

[6] Junwei Wang, Tianshou Zhou. A computational model clarifies the roles of positive and negative feedback loops in the Drosophila circadian clock. Physics Letters A 374, 27: 2743- 2749(2010)

[7] Liu Qiuli, Guo Xianping and Zhou Tianshou. Optimal control for Markovian gene regulatory networks. IET Systems Biology 4(2010)299-107



[1] Aimin Chen, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou ZhouNoise-induced alternative response in map kinase pathways with mutual inhibitionJournal of Biological Systems 17(1), 125-140(2009)

[2] 陈爱敏,张家军,苑占江,周天寿典型生化网络构建子块中噪声传播的机制. 物理学报,第58卷第4期(2009),2009,58(4):2804-2811

[3] Junwei Wang, Aimin Chen, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou Zhou. Modeling intercellular synchronization in the Drosophila circadian clock. Chinese Physics B, 18(3):1294-1300(2009) ,SCI收录, IF: 2.103

[4]  Aimin Chen, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou ZhouNon-propagation of noise in intracellular metabolic poolsJournal of Biological Systems 17(2009), 3:511-527

[5]  YB Zhang, KN Chen, AM Chen, JW Wang and Tianshou Zhou. Crosstalk Facilitates Spatial Signal Propagation Through MAPK Cascades. Journal of Biological Systems 173:461-4772009

[6] Xianping Guo, Qiuli Liu and Tianshou Zhou. Optimal control of stochastic fluctuations in biochemical reactions. Journal of Biological Systems 17(2),283-301(2009)

[7] Jiajun ZhangZhanjiang YuanTianshou ZhouSynchronization and clustering of synthetic genetic networks: A role for cis-regulatory modulePhysical Review E,79,041903(2009)

[8] Jiajun ZhangZhanjiang YuanTianshou ZhouPhysical limits of feedback noise- suppression in biologicalnetworksPhysical Biology 6, 046009(2009)

[9] JJ ZhangZJ YuanTS ZhouCis-regulatory modules drive dynamic patterns of a multicellular system.arxiv.org/abs/0903.3719

[10] Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Tianshou ZhouGeometric characteristics of dynamic correlations forcombinatorial regulation in gene expression noisearXiv:0904.2676 (April 18, 2009). Phys. Rev. E 80, 021905(2009) the August 15, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research

[11] Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Tianshou Zhou. Combinatorial regulation: characteristics of dynamiccorrelationsIET Systems Biology 3, 6: 440–452 (2009)

[12] 张家军,苑占江,周天寿松弛型基因振子的同步与聚类力学季刊 301),82872009

[13] Baoying Chen and Tianshou Zhou. An extended Silnikov homoclinic theorem and its applications.International Journal of Bifurcation Chaos 19, 5:1-15(2009)

[14] Zhang Yanbin, Chen KN, Wang Junwei, Chen Aimin and Zhou Tianshou. Positive feedback-assisted short/long-range cell signaling in MAPK cascades. Int. J. Modern Phys. C 20, 11: 1-19 (2009)

[15] Xiaogang Wu, Tianxiao Huan, Ragini Pandey, Tianshou Zhou and Jake Y. Chen. Finding Fractal Patterns in Molecular Interaction Networks: A Case Study in Alzheimer's Disease. International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2, 4:340-352 (2009) (invited)



[1]  Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou Zhou. Interacting stochastic oscillators. Phys. Rev. E 77, 021101(2008)

Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research -- February 15, 2008 Volume 15, Issue 4

[2] Tianshou Zhou, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Lonan ChenSynchronization of genetic oscillatorsChaos18, 037126(2008) (invited paper)

[3] 张家军,王军威,苑占江,周天寿噪声诱导的同步切换. 生物化学和生物物理进展35卷,第八期,929938(2008)(作为封面)

[4] Junwei Wang, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Aimin Chen and Tianshou Zhou. Neurotransmitter-mediated collective rhythms in grouped Drosophilia circadian clocks. J. Biol. Rhythms 232008),3472482DOI: 10.1177/07487304083248492008

[5] Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianhsou Zhou. Coherence, collective rhythm and phase difference distribution in populations of stochastic genetic oscillators. Phys. Rev. E  78, 031901(2008)



[1] Xiaohua Xiong, Junwei Wang and Tianshou ZhouContraction principle and its applications in synchronization of nonlinearly coupled systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32(2007), 1147-1153

[2] Xiaohua Xiong, Junwei Wang, Yanbin Zhang and Tianshou Zhou. Mode decomposition for a synchronous state and its applicationsChaos, Solitons and Fractals, 31(2007), 718-725

[3] Tianshou Zhou, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Anlong XuExternal stimuli mediated collective rhythms: Artificial control strategiesPLoS One,e231(2007)

[4] 苑占江,张家军,周天寿噪声诱导的连贯切换中国科学(B辑),第37卷,第五期,446-4522007

[5] Tianshou Zhou, Yanbin Zhang, Luonan ChenSynchronizing Independent Gene Oscillators by Common Noisy Signaling MoleculeLecture Notes in Operations Research, 7, pp.156-172, World Publishing Corporation, Beijing, 2007

[6] Junwei Wang, Jiajun Zhang, Zhanjiang Yuan and Tianshou ZhouNoise-induced switches in network systems of the genetic toggle switchBMC Systems Biology 2007, 1:50

[7] Xiaohua Xiong, Shaonan Hong and Tianshou ZhouSynchronization in a generally coupled dynamical systems. J. Mathematical Control Science and Applications 1(2), 203-209(2007)



[1] Tianshou Zhou and Guanrong ChenClassification of chaos in 3-D autonomous quadratic systems—I. Basic framework and methodsInt. J. Bifur. Chaos, 16(2006), 2459-2479

[2] Yun Tang F.H. Yang Guanrong Chen and Tianshou ZhouClassification of homoclinic tangies for periodically perturbed systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 28(2006), 76-89

[3] Qigui Yang, Guanrong Chen and Tianshou ZhouA unified Lorenz-type system and its canonical form. IJBC, 16(2006), 10:2855-2871

[4] Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen, Qishao Lu and Xiaohua Xiong. On estimates of Lyapunov exponents of synchronized coupled systems. Chaos,16(2006), 033123

[5] Tianshou Zhou and Guanrong Chen. Coherent synchronization in linearly coupled nonlinear systems. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos, 16(2006), 1375-1387



[1] Tianshou Zhou and Changpin Li. Synchronization in fractional-order differential systems. Physica D, 212(2005), 1-2:111-125

[2] Tianshou Zhou, Luonan Chen, Ruiqi WangA mechanism of synchronization in interacting multi-cell genetic system. Physica D, 211(2005), 107-127

[3] Tianshou Zhou, Luonan Chen, Yun Tang, Xiangsun ZhangAligning multiple protein structure by deterministic annealingJ. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 3(2005),No.4, 837-860

[4] Ruiqi Wang, Luonan Chen, Tianshou Zhou, K.AiharaNoise-induced cooperative behaviors in a multi-cell system. Bioinformatics, 21(2005), No.11,2722-2729

[5] Tianshou Zhou, Luonan Chen and K.Aihara. Molecular communication through stochastic synchronization induced by extracellular fluctuations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(2005), 178103(此论文被Harvard大学生物系M.SpringerJ.Paulsson教授在Nature4392006),27-28上作了专门评论).

[6] Tianshou Zhou, Luonan Chen and Ruiqi Wang. Excitation functions of coupling. Phys. Rev. E, 71(2005), 066211-4

[7] Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen and S. Celikovsky. Silnikov chaos in the generalized Lorenz system.Nonlinear Dynamics39(2005),319-334.



[1] Luonan Chen, Tianshou Zhou and Yun Tang. Protein structure by deterministic annealing. Bioinformatics, 20(2004),1246-1253.

[2] Ruiqi Wang, Tianshou Zhou, Z.J. Jing and Luonan Chen. Modelling periodic oscillation of biological systems with multiple time-scale networks. IET Systems Biology,1(2004),1:71-84.

[3] Tianshou Zhou, Luonan Chen, Ruiqi Wang and K.Aihara. Intercellular communication induced by random fluctuations. Genome Informatics, 15(2004), No.2, 223-233.

[4] H. Iwasaki, K.Ohara, S.Omata and Tianshou Zhou. Numerical computations for interfaces motion related to a triple potential well problem. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications,14(2004),2:245-249.

[5] Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen and Qigui Yang. A simple time-delay feedback anti-control method made rigorous. Chaos,14(2004),3:662-668.

[6] Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen and Yun Tang. A universal unfolding of the Lorenz system chaos. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals20(2004),5:979-993.

[7] Haohui Liao, Tianshou Zhou and Yun Tang. The chaotic region of the Lorenz-type system in the parameter space. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,21(2004), 185-192.

[8] Zuohuan Zheng, Jinhu Lu, Guanrong Chen, Tianshou Zhou and Suochun Zhang. Generating two simultaneously chaotic attractors with a switching piecewise-linear controller. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 20(2004), 1:277-288

[9] Tianshou Zhou and Guanrong Chen. A smooth 3-layer chaotic attractor. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos14(2004), 5:1795-1799.

[10] Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen and Yun Tang. The global dynamical analysis in a classical power system. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 40(2004), 1025-1045.

[11] 周天寿张锁春. Dynamics of nonlinear wave pattern in excitable media. 中国科学院研究院学报 (邀请文章),21(2004),276-281.



[1] T.S. Zhou and Y. Tang. Stability of echo wave in the linear coupling Oregonators. Phys. Lett. A, 320(2003),2-3:116-126.

[2] T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and Y. Tang. Complex dynamical behaviors of the chaotic Chen’s system. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos, 13(2003), 9: 2561-2574.

[3]  T.S. Zhou and J.Z Lei. The characteristic function method of finding first integrals of ODEs.  Chaos, Solitons and Fractals18(2003), 4:709-720

[4] T.S. Zhou, H.H. Liao, Z.H. Zheng and Y. Tang. The complicated trajectory behaviors in the Lorenz system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals19(2003), 4:863-873

[5] T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and Q.G. Yang. Constructing a new chaotic system based on Silnikov criterion.Chaos, Solitons and Fractals19(2003), 4:985-993

[6] T.S. Zhou, J.H. Lu, L.N. Chen, Z.J. Jing and Y. Tang. On the optimal solutions for power flow equations. Int. J. Elec. Power and Energy Systems, 25(2003), 7:533-541

[7] T.S. Zhou and Y. Tang. Equation of motion of waves in excitable media. Int. J. Theor. Phys., Group Theor. And Nonlinear Optics9(2003), 4:287-303 .(invited)

[8] T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and Y. Tang. Law of motion of filament of small amplitude waves. Int. J. Theor. Phys., Group Theor. And Nonlinear Optics, 9(2003), 4:521-528 (invited)

[9] T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and Y. Tang. The radial and axial motion of central filament of scroll waves in excitable media. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive System1(2003), 56-65.

[10] 周天寿张锁春唐云一类对称耦合振子中同相解的稳定性. 系统科学与数学学报, 21(2003), 1:65-70



[1] T.S. Zhou, J.H. Lu, G.R. Chen and Y. Tang. Synchronization stability of three chaotic systems with linear coupling. Physics Letter A301(2002), 231-240.

[2] J.H. Lu, T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and X.S. Yang. Genereating chaos with a switching piecewise-linear controller. Chaos12(2002), 344-349.

[3] J.H. Lu, T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and S.C. Zhang. Local bifurcation of the Chen system. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos, 12(2002), 2257-2270.

[4] J.H. Lu, T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and S.C. Zhang. The compound structure of the Chen’s system.’ Int. J. Bifur. Chaos, 12(2002), 4: 855-858

[5] T.S. Zhou and S.C. Zhang. Echo waves and coexistence phenomena in the coupled Brusselators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 13(2002), 4:621-632 .

[6]  J.H. Lu, T.S. Zhou, G.R. Chen and S.C. Zhang. Chaos synchronization between linearly coupled chaotic systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14(2002), 4: 529-541

[7] Z.H. Zheng, T.S. Zhou, Z.F. Zhang and S.C. Zhang. Existence of echo waves in the coupled-Oregonator system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14(2002), 425-432

[8] T.S. Zhou and He Xiaolan. Existence and linear stability of planar waves in the Oregonator model. Chinese Physics, 11(2002), 1234-1239.

[9] J.H. Lu, T.S. Zhou and S.C. Zhang. Controlling Chen  attractor using linear feedback on parameter identification. Chinese Physics, 11(2002), 1:12-16

[10] T.SZhou and Y. Tang. Target pattern waves in a special Reaction-diffusional equation. Commun. Theor. Phys., 38(2002), 243-246.



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