工作经历: 2013至今 3522vip浦京集团官网数学系 讲师
Su, Ning; Wang, Yanming; Li, Yangming Acharacterization of hypercyclically embedded subgroups using cover-avoidanceproperty. J. Group Theory 16 (2013), no. 2, 263–274.
Su, Ning;Wang, Yanming On the normalizers of F-residuals of all subgroups of a finitegroup. J. Algebra 392 (2013), 185–198.
Su, Ning; Wang, Yanming On thep-length and the Wielandt length of a finite p-soluble group. Bull. Aust. Math.Soc. 88 (2013), no. 3, 453–459.
Su, Ning; Li, Yangming; Wang,Yanming A criterion of p-hypercyclically embedded subgroups of finite groups.J. Algebra 400 (2014), 82–93.
Li, Yangming; Su, Ning; Wang, Yanming Complementedsubgroups and the structure of finite groups. Monatsh. Math. 173 (2014), no. 3,361–370.
Su, Ning; Wang, Yanming On theintersection of the normalizers of the F-residuals of subgroups of a finitegroup. Algebr. Represent. Theory 17 (2014), no. 2, 507–518.
Su, Ning; Wang, Yanming On thep-length and the Wielandt series of a finite p-soluble group. Bull. Aust. Math.Soc. 91 (2015), no. 2, 219–226
Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo;Ezquerro, Luis M.; Li, Yangming; Su, Ning On partial CAP-subgroups of finite groups. J. Algebra 431 (2015),196–208.