
2002.9-2011.6     3522vip浦京集团官网


2022.8-                3522vip浦京集团官网, 教授

2021.1-2022.7,    复旦大学, 教授

2015.1-2020.12,  复旦大学, 副研究员

2013.8-2014.12,  复旦大学, 青年副研究员

2011.9-2013.7,    复旦大学, 博士后


研究方向: Teichmüller 空间, 双曲几何

发表论文: MR: Publications results for "Items authored by Su, Weixu" (ams.org)

                Search | arXiv e-print repository


1. Liu, Lixin; Su, Weixu: Variation of Extremal Length Functions on Teichmuller Space, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017, 2017(21): 6411-6443.

2. Liu, Lixin; Su, Weixu; Zhong, Youliang: Distance and angles between Teichmuller geodesics, Advances in Mathematics, 360, 2020, 106892, 21 pp.

3. Duc-Manh Nguyen; Pan, Huiping; Su, Weixu: Existence of closed geodesics through a regular point on translation surfaces, Mathematische Annalen, 2020, 376(1-2): 583-607. (2)

4. Su, Weixu; Tan, Dong: Horospheres in Teichmüller space and mapping class group, accepted for publication in Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2021.


Teichmüller空间简介  (2020.7 陈省身数学研究所)

复分析讲义  提取码: 7wa8



03-31~04-04: 动力系统、泰希米勒理论及其相关主题 (三亚)