学术报告(徐江 2024.11.27)

Sharp decay characterization for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

发布人:姚璐 发布日期:2024-11-21
Sharp decay characterization for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
腾 讯 会 议 393-311-398
徐江 教授(南京航空航天大学)
周玉龙 副教授

摘要:The low-frequency assumption has been extensively applied to the large-time asymptotics of solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations since from those classical efforts. In this talk, we will give a sharp decay characterization for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the critical framework. Precisely, the Besov boundedness of the low-frequency part of initial perturbation is not only sufficient but also necessary to achieve those upper bounds of time-decay estimates. Furthermore, it is shown that upper and lower bounds of time-decay estimates both hold if and only if the low-frequency part of the initial perturbation belongs to a nontrivial subset of some Besov space. This is a joint work with Brandolese, Shou and Zhang.