学术报告(刘新芝 2024.11.8)
Hybrid Protocols for Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems
摘要:As one of the most significant issues in the distributed coordination of multi-agent systems, formation control has received increased attention in recent years due to its wide applications in satellite formation flying, exploration, surveillance and rescue. The formation control problem aims to design suitable protocols such that a group of agents can reach a desired geometric structure from arbitrary initial positions. This talk discusses the leader-following formation problem of the unmanned aerial vehicle swarm by integrating hybrid event-triggered control and pinning mechanism, in order to efficiently reduce control resources consumption and transmission redundancy. Meanwhile, delayed control inputs are implemented for more practical applications and comparisons are made with real-time control; topology switching and strong dynamics nonlinearity are also taken into account. In addition, gyroscopic force and braking force are utilized for maintaining collision-free movements. Sufficient robust formation criteria are derived to guarantee convergence of the corresponding formation error dynamics without exhibiting Zeno behavior. Examples and simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
主讲人简介:刘新芝现任加拿大滑铁卢大学应用数学系教授。1982 年在山东师范大学获学士学位。1988年在美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校获博士学位。1988年至1990年在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学作博士后。1990年受聘于滑铁卢大学为助理教授,并于1994年被聘为该校终身教授。刘新芝教授是国家教育部"长江学者奖励计划"(第三批)特聘教授。刘教授的研究方向包括: 混合动力系统,非线性系统控制及稳定性,复杂网络的同步,通讯网络模型,传染病模型等。已发表学术论文400余篇,学术专著6部, 学术编著20余部。