3522vip浦京集团官网数学 (0701) 博士研究生培养方案
课程代码 |
课程名称/英文名称 |
学时 |
学分 |
课程负责人 |
备注 |
必 修 课
公共课 |
MAR7001 |
中国马克思主义与当代 Marxism of China and Contemporary World |
36 |
2 |
马克思主义学院 |
MAR7002 |
马克思恩格斯列宁经典著作选读 Selected Readings of Marx, Engels and Lenin’s Classics |
18 |
1 |
马克思主义学院 |
FL-7001 |
第一外国语(英语)First Foreign Language(English) |
120 |
5 |
外国语学院 |
专业基础课 |
MA-7101 |
现代数学基础 Foundation of Modern Mathematics |
72 |
4 |
陈兵龙 |
MA-7215 |
学术规范与论文写作 Academic norms and paper writing |
36 |
2 |
张俊玉 |
专 业 课
MA-7102 |
几何分析 Geometry analysis |
基础数学 |
72 |
4 |
陈兵龙 |
MA-7154 |
复几何 Complex Geometry |
72 |
4 |
刘立新 |
MA-7107 |
分形几何 Fractal geometry |
72 |
4 |
王向阳 |
MA-7113 |
几何拓扑 Geometric Topology |
72 |
4 |
刘立新 |
MA-7110 |
代数几何 Algebraic geometry |
72 |
4 |
宋雷 |
MA-7217 |
表示论 Representation Theory |
72 |
4 |
李长征 |
MA-7225 |
组合数学 Combinatorics |
72 |
4 |
胡平 |
MA-7104 |
现代调和分析 Modern Harmonic Analysis |
72 |
4 |
颜立新 |
MA-7112 |
拟共形映射 Quasiconformal mappings |
72 |
4 |
刘立新 |
MA-7221 |
偏微分方程理论 Partial Differential Equations theory |
72 |
4 |
MA-7111 |
应用分析基础 Basics of Application Analysis |
72 |
4 |
戴欣荣 |
MA-7229 |
数学广义相对论 Mathematical general relativity |
72 |
4 |
黎俊彬 |
MA-7230 |
可积系统 Integrable Syetms |
72 |
4 |
吴朝中 |
MA-7114 |
微分方程数值解 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations |
计算数学 |
72 |
4 |
冼军 |
MA-7116 |
函数逼近论 Function approximation theory |
72 |
4 |
戴欣荣 |
MA-7117 |
应用与计算调和分析 Applied and computational harmonic analysis |
72 |
4 |
杨力华 |
MA-7118 |
凸优化 Convex optimization |
72 |
4 |
冯国灿 |
MA-7119 |
神经网络 Neural Networks |
72 |
4 |
杨力华 |
MA-7218 |
机器学习 Machine Learning |
72 |
4 |
戴道清 |
MA-7123 |
应用数学理论和方法 Theory and Methods of Applied Mathematics |
应用数学 |
72 |
4 |
冼军 |
MA-7124 |
小波分析与图像处理 Wavelet Analysis and Image Processing |
72 |
4 |
杨力华 |
MA-7125 |
数学建模及其应用 Mathematical Modeling and its applications |
72 |
4 |
冯国灿 |
MA-7126 |
渐近分析 Asymptotic analysis |
72 |
4 |
赵育求 |
MA-7227 |
计算系统生物学 Computational System Biology |
72 |
4 |
周天寿、张家军 |
MA-7219 |
生物系统的建模与分析 Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems |
72 |
4 |
周天寿 |
MA-7220 |
博弈论 Games Theory |
72 |
4 |
郭先平 |
MA-7216 |
随机过程 Stochastic Processes |
72 |
4 |
郭先平 |
MA-7132 |
随机分析粗糙轨道理论 Stochastic analysis of rough orbital theory |
72 |
4 |
任佳刚 |
MA-7133 |
扩散过程与椭圆算子 Diffusion processes and elliptic operator |
72 |
4 |
任佳刚 |
MA-7134 |
随机分析 Stochastic analysis |
72 |
4 |
任佳刚 |
MA-7206 |
随机优化与风险控制 Stochastic optimization and risk control |
72 |
4 |
郭先平 |
MA-7231 |
运筹学 Operational Research |
运筹学与控制论 |
72 |
4 |
郭先平 |
MA-7106 |
动力系统 Dynamical systems |
72 |
4 |
黄煜 |
MA-7137 |
拓扑动力系统 Topological dynamical system |
72 |
4 |
黄煜 |
MA-7138 |
无穷维动力系统理论 Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems Theory |
72 |
4 |
黄煜 |
MA-7139 |
PDE系统的混沌分析与控制 PDE system analysis and control of chaos |
72 |
4 |
黄煜 |
选 修 课
MA-7237 |
度量空间上的几何分析 Geometric analysis on metric spaces |
72 |
4 |
张会春 |
MA-7145 |
李代数 Lie Algegras |
72 |
4 |
李长征 |
MA-7146 |
辛拓扑 Symplectic topology |
72 |
4 |
胡建勋 |
随机矩阵理论 Random matrix theory |
72 |
4 |
赵育求 |
MA-7147 |
变分不等方程及其应用 Variatioanl Inequalities and Applications |
72 |
4 |
贾保国 |
MA-7148 |
泛函微分方程理论 Theory of Functional Differential Equations |
72 |
4 |
王其如 |
Fourier积分算子理论及其应用 Theory of Fourier Integral operators and their Applications |
72 |
4 |
宋亮 |
MA-7212 |
Navier-Stokes方程 Navier-Stokes equations |
72 |
4 |
崔尚斌 |
MA-7240 |
自由边界问题 Free Boundary Problems |
72 |
4 |
MA-7241 |
分歧理论 Bifurcation Theory |
72 |
4 |
MA-7149 |
科学计算专题选讲 Selected topics in scientific computation |
计算数学 |
72 |
4 |
杨力华 |
论文选读 Selected Reading of Academic Articles |
72 |
4 |
MA-7151 |
数据挖掘选讲 Selected topics in Data Mining |
72 |
4 |
杨力华 |
MA-7153 |
基因表达动力学 Dynamics of gene expression |
72 |
4 |
周天寿 |
MA-7233 |
机器视觉 Machine Vision |
72 |
4 |
戴道清 |
MA-7156 |
人工神经网络 Artificial Neural Networks |
72 |
4 |
任传贤 |
MA-7157 |
图像的数学理论 Mathematical Theory for Image Processing |
72 |
4 |
任传贤 |
MA-7158 |
现代通信技术 Modern Communication Technology |
72 |
4 |
姚正安 |
MA-7234 |
微分方程定性理论 Qualitative Theory of ODEs |
72 |
4 |
王远世 |
MA-7239 |
后量子密码学 Post-Quantum cryptography |
72 |
4 |
MA-7235 |
排队论 Queueing Theory |
72 |
4 |
张俊玉 |
MA-7142 |
遍历理论 Ergodic theorem |
72 |
4 |
罗俊 |
MA-7163 |
半马氏过程 Semi-Markov processes |
72 |
4 |
黄永辉 |
MA-7236 |
马氏过程 Markov processes |
72 |
4 |
郭先平 |
MA-7165 |
随机模型与优化 Stochastic Models and optimization |
72 |
4 |
张俊玉 |
MA-7172 |
离散与连续时间系统的混沌控制与反控制 Chao control and anti-control of discrete and continuous systems |
运筹学与控制论 |
72 |
4 |
黄煜 |
MA-7176 |
动态规划 Dynamic programming |
72 |
4 |
万安华 |
6. 博士研究生入学两年后不能换导师;不能跨一级学科换导师。
3. 学位论文须经博士研究生申请、并通过论文查重检测、得到导师同意后方能送审,需由三位具有博士生导师资格的相关领域专家评阅,其中至少两位是校外专家。
十、必读和选读书目 (根据研究方向,建议但不限于下列书目;必读或选读的方式由师生协商决定)
序号 |
著作或期刊名 |
作者或出版社 |
必读或选读 |
1 |
Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions |
E.M.Stein |
2 |
Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations |
C.B. Morrey |
3 |
Dirichlet’s Principle, Conformal Mapping and Minimal Surface |
R.Courant |
4 |
Singular Homology Theory |
W.S. Massey |
5 |
Elliptic Partial Differential Equation of Second Order |
D. Gilbarg & N.S. Trudinger |
6 |
Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces |
S.Helgason |
7 |
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics |
V.I. Arnold |
8 |
Principles of Algebraic Geometry |
P.A. Griffiths & J.Harris |
9 |
Algebraic Geometry |
R.Hartshorne |
10 |
Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equtions |
P. J. Olver |
11 |
Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems |
J. Palis, W.deMelo |
12 |
Riemannian Geometry |
P.Petersen |
13 |
微分几何 |
丘成桐、孙理察 |
14 |
Introduction to Functional Differential Equations. |
J. K. Hale, S. M. Verduyn Lunel, |
15 |
Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology |
R.Bott & L.W.Tu |
16 |
Nonlinear Analysis on Manifolds, Monge-Ampere Equations |
Th.Aubin |
17 |
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology |
W.P.Thurston |
18 |
Annals of Mathematics |
19 |
Acta Mathematica |
20 |
Inventions Mathematics |
21 |
Journal of American Mathematical Society |
22 |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics |
23 |
Journal Differential Geometry |
24 |
Journal of Number Theory |
25 |
Journal of Algebra |
26 |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations |
27 |
Mathematische Annalen |
28 |
Topology |
29 |
Journal of Functional Analysis |
30 |
中国科学 |
31 |
科学通报 |
32 |
数学学报 |
33 |
数学年刊 |
序号 |
著作或期刊名 |
作者或出版社 |
必读或选读 |
1 |
泛函分析(上册) |
张恭庆、林源渠 |
2 |
索波列夫空间 |
李立康、郭毓驹 |
3 |
Functional Analysis(泛函分析) |
Rudin(美),赵俊峰、刘培德译 |
4 |
C程序设计语言(The C Programming Language) |
Prentice Hall(清华大学出版社) |
5 |
数据结构C++语言描述(Data Structures with C++) |
Prentice Hall (清华大学出版社) |
6 |
面向对象系统的使用实例图(Use Case Maps for Object-Oriented Systems) |
清华大学出版社 |
7 |
软件工程(Software Engineering) |
杨文龙等 |
8 |
数值分析引论(An Introduction to Numerical Analysis) |
K.E. 阿特金森 |
9 |
数值分析 (Numerical Analysis) |
颜庆津 |
10 |
矩阵计算引论 (An Introduction to Matrix Computation) |
G.W. 斯图尔特 |
11 |
Matrix Analysis (矩阵分析) |
R.A. Horn, C.R. Fohnson |
12 |
Matrix Computation (矩阵计算) |
G.H. Golub, C.F. Van Loan |
13 |
Computer Graphics, C Version 2nd Ed (计算机图形学(C语言版),第二版) |
清华大学出版社 |
14 |
Computer Networks, 3 rd ED(计算机网络,第三版) |
清华大学出版社 |
15 |
Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications (多媒体技术:计算、通信及应用) |
Prentice Hall(清华大学出版社) |
16 |
中国科学(Science in China) |
17 |
计算数学(Journal of Computational Mathematics) |
18 |
数值计算与计算机应用(Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications) |
19 |
Computer Math. Appl.(计算机数学应用) |
20 |
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. (SIAM数值分析) |
21 |
SIAM J. Scientific Computing (SIAM科学计算) |
序号 |
著作或期刊名 |
作者或出版社 |
必读或选读 |
1 |
Integration and Probability |
P. Malliavin |
2 |
A Course in Stochastic Processes |
A.D. Wentzell |
6 |
Stochastic Processes |
K. Ito |
7 |
Probability |
A.N.Shiryaev |
9 |
An Introduction to Queueing Networks |
Prentice Hall |
10 |
Stochastic Differential Equations and Diffusion Processes |
N.Ikeda,S.Watanabe |
11 |
Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus |
I.Karatzas,S.Shreve |
12 |
Statistics Of Random Processes |
R.S.Liptser,A.N.Shiryaev |
13 |
Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling |
H. Musiela, Rutkowski |
14 |
Aspect of Risk Theory |
J.Gradall |
15 |
Point Processes and Queues |
P.Bremaud |
16 |
Algebraic Probability Theory |
J.Szekely |
20 |
Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory |
R.Muirhead |
21 |
SAS与SPSS高级教程 |
阮桂海 |
24 |
Aspect of Risk Theory |
J.Gradall |
25 |
Markov Decision Processes |
M.L.Puterman |
26 |
Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Finance |
Bauerle, N. Rieder, U |
27 |
The Annals of Applied Probability |
期刊 |
28 |
The Annals of Probability |
期刊 |
29 |
Advances in Applied Probability |
期刊 |
30 |
The Annals of Statistic |
期刊 |
31 |
Stochastic processes and their applications |
期刊 |
32 |
Probability theory and related fields |
序号 |
著作或期刊名 |
作者或出版社 |
必读或选读 |
1 |
自然科学中确定性问题的应用数学(Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences |
林家翘 |
2 |
The Art of Computer Programming(计算机程序设计技巧) |
D.E. Knuth |
3 |
An Introduction to Database System(数据库系统导论) |
C.J. Date |
4 |
Principles of Artificial Intelligence (人工智能原理) |
N.J. Nilsson |
5 |
Integral Transforms and Their Applications |
Brian Davies |
6 |
Galactic Dynamics |
James Binney & Scott Tremaine |
7 |
Mathematical Modelling (数学模型) |
D.Burghes et al |
8 |
Data Warehousing: Building the Corporate Knowledge Base (数据仓库技术) |
Tom Hammergren |
9 |
Application of Pattern Recognition(模式识别应用) |
K.S. Fu |
10 |
向量场的分岔理论基础 (Elementary Bifurcation Theory of Vector Field) |
张芷芬等 |
11 |
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations (微分方程中的李群分析) |
Ibragivov |
12 |
Advanced Multimedia Programming (高级多媒体程序设计) |
Steve Rimmer |
13 |
Functional Analysis (泛函分析) |
Rudin(美)赵俊峰、刘培德译 |
14 |
Statistical Pattern Recognition (统计模式识别) |
A. R. Webb |
15 |
Digital Image Processing (数字图像处理) |
R. C. Gonzalez et al |
16 |
Evolutionary games and Replicator equations (演化博弈论与反馈方程) |
J. Hofbauer |
17 |
中国科学 (Science in China) |
18 |
科学通报 (Chinese Science Bulletin) |
19 |
应用数学学报 (Acta Mathematical Applicable Sinica) |
20 |
系统科学与数学 (J. of Systems Science and Math. Science) |
21 |
应用数学和力学 (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) |
22 |
数学物理学报 |
23 |
计算机学报 (Chinese J. of Computer) |
24 |
计算机研究与发展 (Computer Research and Development) |
25 |
软件学报 |
26 |
中国图象图形学报 |
27 |
通信学报 |
28 |
J. of Differential Equations (微分方程杂志) |
29 |
Nonlinear Analysis,TMA (非线性分析,理论方法及应用) |
30 |
SIAM J. Applied Math (SIAM应用数学) |
31 |
J. Math. Phys (数学物理杂志) |
32 |
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen (物理A:数学) |
33 |
J. Symbolic Computation (符号计算杂志) |
34 |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering (IEEE知识与数据库汇刊) |
35 |
IEEE Software Magazine (IEEE软件杂志) |
36 |
ACM Transact on Mathematical Software (美国计算机学会数学软件) |
37 |
J. Math. Biology |
38 |
J. Math Chemistry |
39 |
J. Math. Economy |
40 |
Pattern Recogntion (模式识别) |
41 |
IEEE Transactions on information theory (IEEE信息理论) |
42 |
IEEE transactions on PAMI (IEEE模式分析与机器智能) |
43 |
IEEE transactions on SP (IEEE 信号处理) |
44 |
IEEE transactions on IP (IEEE 图像处理) |
45 |
J. Math. Ana. & Appl. (数学分析及其应用) |
46 |
Int’l J of Computer Vision (计算机视觉) |
序号 |
著作或期刊名 |
作者或出版社 |
必读或选读 |
1 |
Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing 可靠性与寿命测试的统计理论 |
Barlow R.E. and Proschan F |
2 |
Fundamentals of Queuing Theory (排队理论基础) |
Gross D., Harris C.M |
3 |
Queuing Systems (排队论) |
Kleinrock L |
4 |
Stochastic Processes (随机过程) |
Ross S.M. |
5 |
Semi-groups of Linear Operator and Its Applications to PDE (线性算子半群及其在偏微分方程的理论) |
Pazy A |
6 |
随机服务系统 (Random Service Systems) |
徐光辉 |
7 |
可靠性数学引论 (An Introduction to Reliability Mathematics) |
黄晋华、程侃 |
8 |
符号动力系统 (Symbolic dynamical systems) |
周作领 |
9 |
Elements of Queuing Theory ( 排队论原理) |
Baccell F. |
10 |
Stochastic Networks :Theory and Applications 随机网络:理论与应用 |
Kelly F.P., Zachary S. and Ziedins I |
11 |
运筹学中的随机模型 (Stochastic Models in O R) |
邓永录 |
12 |
休假随机服务系统 Random Service Systems with Vacation |
田乃硕 |
13 |
概率方法 ( The Probabilistic Methods) |
Noga Alon, Joel H. Spencer |
14 |
微分方程定性理论 Quality theory of differential equations |
张芷芬、丁同仁、黄文灶、董镇喜 |
15 |
Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems Theory 无穷维线性系统理论 |
Curtain R.F. and Pritchard A.J. |
16 |
常微分方程稳定性理论 (Theory of stabilization in ODE ) |
许淞庆 |
17 |
微分动力系统原理 (Principle of Differentiable Dynamics) |
张筑生 |
18 |
动力系统—稳定性,符号动力学及混沌(Dynamical Systems-Stability, Symbolic, Dynamics and Chaos) |
Clark Robinson |
19 |
非线性系统 (Nonlinear Systems) |
Hassan Khalil |
20 |
中国科学 (Science in China) |
21 |
数学进展 (Advances in Mathematics) |
22 |
控制理论与应用 (Control Theory and Applications) |
23 |
SIAM J. Control Optimization (SIAM控制与优化) |
24 |
SIAM J. Applied Math ( SIAM应用数学) |
25 |
IAM J. Applied Math (IAM 应用数学) |
26 |
J. Appl. Prob (应用概率杂志) |
27 |
Adv. Appl. Prob. (应用概率进展) |
28 |
Queuing Systems (排队系统) |
29 |
Stochastic Models (随机模型) |
30 |
Perf. Eval. Rev (性能评价杂志) |
31 |
Operations Research (运筹学) |
32 |
Eur J. Operations Research (欧洲运筹学) |
33 |
IEEE Trans. Commun (IEEE 通讯) |
34 |
IEEE Trans. Rel (IEEE 可靠性) |
35 |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control (IEEE 自动控制) |
36 |
Applied Mathematics Optimization (应用数学最优化) |
37 |
J. of Optimization Theory and Application (优化理论及其应用) |
39 |
J. International Control Theory (国际控制论杂志) |
40 |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (混沌与分岔混沌国际杂志) |
41 |
Systems & Control Letters (系统与控制快报) |
42 |
Automatica (自动化) |